Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Dear Future Husband or Ouch! My Nads

Dear Future Husband Reading This Letter After We’ve Been Married Several Years,

Sorry I couldn't give you any children. My ovaries went berserk nutz cuz I refused to accept that laptops had become “notebooks.” It was all very confusing because they still looked the same. I guess I should have kept the laptop, I mean notebook, away from my gonads like they told me at Best Buy. Either way, my thighs are really hot. But you already know that.

Love Always,

Your Still Smoking Hot Wife, Which Partially Makes Up For My Barren Desert of a Uterus,


PS: I’m not actually one of those girls who refers to herself as smokin’ hot, I’m just going by what others have told me.


  1. Funny! Btw, did you mean to say dessert or desert?

  2. ha! DESERT. I'm officially a writer. I never would have made that mistake as a regular person.
