Sunday, March 29, 2009

Welcome to blogging, Gina. Why, thank you and welcome to my blog.

Oh! Hello.  Thanks for stopping by my blog.  It's a place on the Internet where I can type and post things that I think.  If I were using a pen and paper it would be called writing.  You may have noticed that it's 2009.  I noticed too.  That's why I'm starting a blog, because for two thousand and nine years people have gone without reading my thoughts.  I don't expect you to have super powers (that would be rude) so I've been kind enough to share what's on my mind, here, in my blog.  Maybe by 4018 the world won't be such a silly place, if I keep blogging that is.  I believe I can change the world, but I need your help.  The world is heavy and I'm not that strong.  Most of my strength is in my legs.  In a fight I'm almost certain to revert to the crab defense.  So just sit back, put your legs in the air, and start kicking.  And while you're at it, enjoy this journey with me.  


  1. Hilarious, can't wait for the next blog post straight from your mind!

  2. Loves the picture of you with 30ft long dook comin out yr rear!! More pleaz.

  3. I'm so new to blogging (after the two thousand and nine years of bloglessness and all) that I just noticed these comments! thanks guys!
